Article 1 - Creation
The town of Balaruc-les-Bains, after having created a tourist office called “Balaruc-les-Bains Tourist Office” by deliberation of the Municipal Council of November 91, 2009, in the form of a public establishment of an industrial and commercial (EPIC), decided to transform this public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature by deliberation of the Municipal Council of 11/24/2021 (N°21/CM/11/005). The new company name of L'Épic is “Municipal campsite service of the town of Balaruc-les-Bains. » This transformation is effective from January 1, 2022.

Article 2 - Purpose
The public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature called “Municipal campsites service of the town of Balaruc-les-Bains” is entrusted with the responsibility of managing the activity of the equipment and installations of the municipal campsites of the Town of Balaruc -the baths.

Article 3 - Duration
The EPIC “Municipal campsite service for the town of Balaruc-les-Bains” is established for an unlimited period. It may be dissolved according to the terms of article 16 of these statutes..


The campsite service of the Town of Balaruc-les-Bains is administered by a Council.

Chapter 1 - The board of directors

Article 4 - Organization - Designation of members
The Board of Directors includes 8 full members and 8 alternate members distributed as follows:
- 6 members representing the Municipality
- 2 representatives of activities, professions and organizations interested in the outdoor hotel business in the Municipality of Balaruc-les-Bains
The college of elected members of the Board of Directors is elected by the municipal council for the duration of their mandate.
The college of socio-professional members will be representative of activities linked to the open-air hotel industry of Balaruc-les-Bains, namely (to be validated):
A representative of the Intercommunal Tourist Office

A representative of the traders
These members will be appointed by the Municipal Council on the recommendation of the Mayor. Their functions end when the municipal council is renewed.

Article 5 - Mode of operation
a. The Board of Directors elects a president and a vice-president from among the members of the college (elected or professional)
b. The council meets at least once a quarter. It is also convened whenever the President deems it useful or at the request of the majority of its members in office. The agenda is set by the president, it is attached to the notice at least 5 clear days before the meeting date.

The sending of invitations is electronic. As such, and after agreement of all members of the board of directors, convenings are carried out as follows:
1. Sending invitations by email to all full members of the Board of Directors. It is considered that the date the email was sent is equivalent to the postmark.
2. Transmission of attachments to invitation emails in the same manner as those usually sent by post and containing:
- The convening letter containing the agenda of the Board of Directors signed by the President.
- The various summary notes on the agenda,
- The report of the previous Board of Directors - Miscellaneous documents
3. A reading confirmation to verify personal receipt of the email by the recipient is systematically requested and archived electronically
4. A similar notice is sent to alternate members in the event of the absence of their members
5. During Board meetings, the summary notes and various documents are read to the members present by projection on a screen, by computer. A paper copy will always be available at each session.

Furthermore, sending by traditional mail will be systematically maintained to members who have requested it.

The director of the public establishment attends the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity. He keeps the minutes of the meeting which he submits to the President before the expiration of the 15-day period.

Meetings of the Board of Directors are not public.

The Council deliberates on all questions concerning the operation and activity of the campsite service in the town of Balaruc-les-Bains.

The Council can only deliberate if the number of members present at the meeting exceeds half of that of the members in office.

When the quorum has not been reached after a first convocation, a second convocation is held at least eight days apart. The deliberations taken after this second convocation are valid, regardless of the number of people present.

Deliberations are taken by a majority of voters. In the event of an equal division of votes, the president's vote is decisive.
In the event of resignation or death of a member, the Municipal Council provides for his replacement by appointing another representative of the college to which he belongs, for the remaining duration of the mandate.
Members of the Board of Directors must enjoy their civil and political rights. They cannot also:
-    Take or maintain an interest in companies related to management
-    Hold a position in this company
-    Provide a service for these companies
-    Lend their assistance for a fee to the management
The functions of member of the Board of Directors are free. However, members may be reimbursed for travel and mission expenses incurred in the course of their duties.

Article 6 – Elections and responsibilities of the President and Vice-President
During the installation meeting of the Board of Directors, the election of the president is carried out by secret ballot and by absolute majority. After an unsuccessful round, a second round is held where the election takes place by relative majority.
The Board of Directors can then designate from among its members, by secret ballot, applying the majority voting method, a Vice-President.
The duration of the mandate of the President and the Vice-President is identical to that of the mandate of the other members of the Board of Directors.
The responsibilities of the President and the Vice-President are as follows:

a. Duties of the President
- He presents the budget to the Board of Directors
- He presents the financial account for the past financial year to the Board of Directors; he appoints and dismisses the director after consulting the Board of Directors.

b. Duties of the Vice-President
He may receive delegation from the President to ensure the functioning of the EPIC.

Chapter 2 - The Director


Article 7 - Status
Proposed new mention

The director ensures the operation of the public establishment under the authority and control of the President. He is the legal representative of EPIC. He is appointed by the President under the conditions set out in article R2221-21 of the CGCT, upon proposal to the Municipal Council of the Mayor of Balaruc-les-Bains, and giving rise to deliberation.

He cannot be a municipal councilor.
He is employed under public law contract.

Article 8 - Duties of the director
He takes the necessary measures to execute the decisions of the Board of Directors,
He manages all services.
He recruits and dismisses staff within the limits of budgetary allocations with the agreement of the President.
He is the public authorizing officer, and as such, prescribes the execution of revenues and expenditures,
He can sign by delegation of the President in execution of the decisions of the Board of Directors, all acts, contracts and markets
He reports on the decisions taken before the Board of Directors


Chapter 3 - EPIC budget and accounting


Article 9 - Budget
a. The budget and ancillary budgets of the EPIC include in particular in revenue the product:
-    grants
-    special subscriptions and competition offers,
-     donations and legacies
-    revenue from the management of municipal campsites in the town of Balaruc-les-Bains

b. They include expenses, in particular:
- administration and operating costs,
- promotion and advertising costs inherent to the campsite management activity
- municipal costs inherent in the marketing of municipal campsite activities
- the investments that EPIC would have to make

vs. The budget and additional budgets prepared by the director are presented by the President to the Board of Directors, which deliberates on them no later than April 15 of each year.

d. The administrative accounts are presented by the President to the Board of Directors which deliberates on them before June 30 of each year.

e. The Board of Directors deliberates on the management accounts issued by Mr. el Receveur.

f. The budget and financial account for the past financial year are submitted after deliberation by the Board of Directors for approval by the municipal council.

Article 10 - Accounting
EPIC's accounts are kept in accordance with the specific M4 accounting plan.
The accountant of EPIC will be the Treasurer SGC Littoral


Chapter 4 - Personal


Article 11 - General regime
Proposed new mention
EPIC agents, other than the director and the accountant, are under private law status, and are subject to labor law and the Collective Agreement governing the activities concerned. They may also be made available by the municipality.


Article 12 - Insurance
LE' PIC is required, in accordance with the law, to take out the necessary insurance and financial guarantees to guarantee its activities and its personnel.

Article 13 - Litigation
Proposed new mention

EPIC is represented in court in actions brought against it and in all acts of civil life by the director. The latter takes legal action on behalf of EPIC after authorization from the Board of Directors.

Article 14 - Control by the town of Balaruc-les-Bains
In general, the town of Balaruc-les-Bains may, at any time, request any justification concerning the fulfillment of the obligations of the public establishment, carry out any verifications that it deems appropriate, obtain any accounting or statistical document or other, and have any verifications it deems useful carried out without the board of directors nor the director having to object.

Article 15 - Modification of the statutes
The statutes may be subject to modifications to allow in particular its adaptation to the evolution of the regulatory context and to facilitate its compliance with legislative and regulatory developments.
These modifications will be approved by the Board of Directors under the conditions set out in article 5 of these statutes.

Article 16 - Dissolution
The EPIC ceases its operation in execution of a deliberation of the Municipal Council.
The deliberation of the Municipal Council deciding to abandon the operation of the EPIC determines the date on which its operations end.
The accounts are closed on this date planned by the deliberation of the town of Balaruc-les-Bains.
The mayor is responsible for liquidating EPIC. He can appoint a liquidator.
The results of the liquidation are entered into an account attached to the budget of the City of Balaruc-les-Bains.
In the event of dissolution of EPIC, any possible agreement between EPIC and the town of Balaruc-les-Bains is terminated.

Article 17 - Domiciliation
EPIC elects domicile at Hôtel de Ville
34.540 Balaruc-les-Bains

Article 18 - Applicable regulatory provisions
-    The law of August 13, 2004 relating to local freedoms and responsibilities,
-    articles .L 2221-10 and R2221-1 to R2221-62 of the general community code
territorial rules applicable to authorities with legal personality and financial autonomy,
-    the legislative and regulatory provisions in force,
-    the collective agreement for outdoor hotels.

Made in Balaruc les Bains
November 26, 2021
By the members of the board of directors

Documentation of Aire des Bains

RÈGLEMENT INTÉRIEUR (internal regulations)

TARIFS 2024 (2024 rates) 

PLAN DE L'AIRE CAMPING-CAR (campsite's map)


Administrative acts